Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin everyone! Hope it's not too late to wish ya'll out there! I bet I'm not coz I know people are still in their raya mood :D I just cam back from the hotel today. Hotel was ok..but it's nicer here. Now I can play around as usual. Hehe. Wish papa is here to celebrate eid with me :( These pictures below is the picture of me on the way to the hotel. Not.. I repeat.. NOT an awesome ride. I hate bein in a car actually.
Here's a postcard for all of my readers! Thank you guys! Wish I could give you some ketupat & whiskas (I don't have rendang, so whiskas is ok i think) :P
Mengenang nasibku ini.. terpaksa berjauhan di hari raya.. sobster :'( *termenung*
Tido je la.. what to do..
I wanna get outta here la mama. I feel like I'm in a cage!
Aghh Ughh..Yiah!! can't get out??!!
Oh well, it's all over now.. Atleast at the hotel I can sleep all day long and the yeay part is.. I can check out chicks *wink* And now I'm home sweet home baby! Adios!
p/s: Papa, miss you so much la. Come here and gimme duit raya la (: